When you have friends like this who needs enemies


You call that a knife?...This is a knife!

You call that a knife?...This is a knife!

Some things just don’t mix. In this case it involves, two friendstwo big knivesalcohol and boxer shorts…?

I reported earlier knives and alcohol don’t mix, evidently this one guy didn’t pay heed to my advice.

Here is the story as reported in the Wisconsin State Journal – 

A Madison man was arrested after chasing his friend down the street dressed only in his boxer shorts while wielding two big knives- one with a 7 1/2″ blade and the other with a 9″ blade.

This was after the other man punched him in the face several times while at the boxer short dude’s apartment. Needless to say, one if not both men were drunk. I’m guessing the dude running down the street virtually naked with the knives was drunk for sure.

When he was arrested, the boxer short dude said he remembered getting into the argument in his apartment, but didn’t recall anything else. How convenient.

Incidentally, this guy was arrested and charged with disorderly conduct while armed. That’s kind of funny isn’t it? Good news for him it probably could have been- attempted murder or aggravated assault with a deadly weapon.

I’d say knives and alcohol are right up there with drinking and driving. Dangerous combos.

Published in: on December 7, 2008 at 7:27 am  Leave a Comment  
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